The Hack Game -Accustomed and Method of Hack- Belajar dan Berlatih Cara Hack

Sangat dianjurkan bagi pemula hacker !!!
sekali lagi...Sangat dianjurkan bagi pemula hacker !!!

contoh : Job 1

Job 1

TITLE : Hi there

Hi there Indo,

I have high hopes for you, your computer skills are way above normal, so I guess it's ok to take u 2 the next level.

Your first target to get a port scanning tool. I know a computer on which you can find such a tool. You will need to hack into that system and get that tool.

The filename of that tool is: PortScannerW32.exe It should be in a folder called HackTools or some-

Here is some data you will need for this mission:
His IP address:
Open port     : 3325
His login     : guest
His password  : ilovemywife

First PING his IP address to see if he's online. Then TELNET to his computer using the IP and Port, login, steal the file and get the hell out!

-DON'T- forget to remove your telnet logfile from the TelnetLogs folder. The file you should always remove be4 you disconnect is:

Good luck. If you succeed I will email you again.


Sedikit keterangan :
disini anda akan diajari sebagai hacker yang handal, belajar membobol computer orang lain, menghapus file orang lain, mencuri file-file penting, belajar menjadi mata-mata dunia maya dan hacker, belajar teliti dan cepat dalam menggunakan tool-tool hack, belajar menghilangkan keberadaan setelah menghack, belajar memahami bahasa cmd atau bahasa pemprograman yang lain, melatih kecepatan tangan dan daya ingat, bisa juga melatih ketegangan, mengusahakan diri agar tidak terlacak dan tertangkap oleh polisi dunia maya, semua tentang hacker ada digame ini, , , sangat dianjurkan bagi pemula hacker !!!

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